Using with a Co-Teacher

“Co-teachers” of the same class can conduct, or with their students by sharing the same account login credentials. However, keep in mind the following caveats:

  1. If two teachers are logged into the same account at the same time, there should be no conflict as long as the teachers are concurrently doing different activities. If two teachers are trying to grade the short answer submission for the same student at the same time, for example, there will be problems with the software.
  2. If two teachers are logged into the same account at the same time, the changes that one or another of the teachers are making will not be updated in real time. In other words, if teacher 1 has graded the short answer submission for a student while teacher 2 is logged in, teacher 2 will not see the results of teacher 1’s effort unless he/she refreshes the page.

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