How to Use the Control Samples/Evidence Online Viewer

The labs in the Who Took Fluffy?™ real-world kits include access to the online Control Sample/Evidence Viewer. The images representing these key items in the activity are also included in the print booklets that come with the purchase of the lab, but the teacher may choose to have the students view these online as well.

The Online Viewer can be accessed at

Use the PIN code printed on the front cover of the booklet for that lab to gain access to the viewer for that lab.

who Took Fluffy?™ Online Control Samples/Evidence Viewer

The video below demonstrates how to navigate through the viewer.

To access the control samples and evidence for another lab, select the Enter New PIN link on the left side of the screen and enter the new PIN# found on the front cover of the Who Took Fluffy?™ booklet for that lab.

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