“No activities have been assigned to your account” Error
If a student logs in and sees the error message “No activities have been assigned to your account” this means that when the… View Article
If a student logs in and sees the error message “No activities have been assigned to your account” this means that when the… View Article
If your student is reporting an operational issue using Diablo Highway®, please have your student go to the page where he/she is experiencing the issue,… View Article
When a user logs in, it starts a “session.” These sessions are time limited. (Think about an online banking account that logs you out after… View Article
If you get an error message about a token, try one of the following troubleshooting steps. If a step does not fix the error, try… View Article
Incomplete labs or quizzes cannot be submitted. Make sure you have answered every question before trying to submit. If you are working on a… View Article